ABSTRACT Before becoming a sport or martial art, capoeira was an art of resistance and a philosophy in motion. Though this thought of the body ran counter to the white system of thinking, it is nonetheless comes into connection with the Nietzschean philosophy of will to power and with the concepts of Deleuze and Guattari. From this philosophical perspective, capoeira can be defined as: (1) a physics of vital becomings; (2) a space of flight; (3) a temporality of grace or Kairos; (4) an anatomy of the body without organs; (5) the dynamic of an infinitely resounding gesture; (6) an ethic of play, which isalso an ethic of the virtual; (7) black humor that inverts white hierarchies and combat techniques. Finally, this "philosophical toy” is proof that thoughts are gestures, as Nietzsche affirmed, and that through the gestures of a talented capoeirista a real thought of the body finds expression. TO READ THE TEXT CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW : "Lire tout l'article" >>> Lire tout l'article ___________________________________________________ - Auteur : Camille Dumoulié
- Titre : CAPOEIRA, A PHILOSOPHY OF THE BODY - Date de publication : 05-04-2010 - Publication : Revue Silène. Centre de recherches en littérature et poétique comparées de Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense - Adresse originale (URL) : http://www.revue-silene.comf/index.php?sp=liv&livre_id=145 - ISSN 2105-2816 |